What Happens During Liposuction | Donaldson Plastic Surgery-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网

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By Jeffrey Donaldson, MD |

What Happens During Liposuction? 

A Closer Look At The Surgical Body Contouring Process 

Liposuction techniques have improved dramatically since their inception in 1975. Better instrument designs, stronger suction, more targeted medication infiltration, 超声波和激光技术的应用可以安全地去除大量脂肪,减少疼痛, bruising and recovery time.

这种微创澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台可以针对并隔离特定区域, making it the most requested body contouring solution. We wanted to pull back the curtain for a minute and show you what happens during liposuction -取决于澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台的需要和我们外科医生的最佳建议. 

注:这篇文章展示了当抽脂术在手术室中单独进行时发生了什么, not when combined with another procedure like a Tummy Tuck or Breast Augmentation.

What Happens During Liposuction

Liposuction Is Performed On An Outpatient Basis

General anesthesia is used during large-volume liposuction or when multiple areas are being treated at once; local anesthesia with oral pain medication may be used when the area is small or isolated. 在澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台离开手术室之前,定制的压缩服会被穿上. 这种支持性的衣服可以减少肿胀,帮助皮肤符合更薄的底层轮廓.

Choosing The Best Entry Point To Minimize Scarring 

Once the patient is properly sedated, several small (5mm or 1/4 inch), 隐藏良好的切口可以通过皮肤进入皮下脂肪. 通常选择雀斑或小的皮肤褶皱来掩盖疤痕. 一根细管或套管被用来引入肿胀溶液.

What Is Tumescent Fluid?

肿胀液是手术中使用的一种澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网,可以缓解疼痛,同时减少出血和瘀伤. 该配方通常由利多卡因(麻醉药物)组成。, IV fluid and adrenaline (epinephrine). 

Dr. Donaldson and Dr. Sieffert recommend tumescent for the most common fatty areas. 这种技术有时被称为超湿吸脂或吸脂辅助吸脂(SAL),通常被认为是最安全、最可预测的,因为它不需要破坏性的能量源.

Dr. Donaldson performing a liposuction procedure

The Extraction Process Begins

Next, 一系列不同口径的梅赛德斯-尖端脂肪套管被用来排出脂肪,并通过吸入装置将其带走. 我们的专家外科医生使用控制的前后运动,稳定而均匀地从目标区域去除多余的脂肪. 这项技术是平稳和可靠的,没有烧伤或损伤覆盖的皮肤的风险. 入路切口用可溶解缝合线和手术胶缝合. 

这种手术方法在下巴(骨垂)下效果特别好。, behind the upper arms (bat wings), on the low abdomen and flanks (love handles), on the outer thighs (saddle bags), inner thighs and knees, and beneath the buttock creases (banana rolls).


With ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL), 在移除脂肪之前,外科医生在小套管的尖端使用高频声波使脂肪空化并乳化. This method generally makes it easier to release stubborn fat that would not respond to SAL alone; however, 它的风险略高,但在大多数情况下是不必要的.

Vaser UAL通常用于较硬,纤维较多的区域,包括:

  • Behind the neck
  • The back
  • Under the armpits
  • Upper abdomen and lower ribcage
  • 任何以前做过抽脂手术的部位(造成潜在疤痕组织)
  • 几乎男性的任何部位,包括胸部(男性乳房症)

Liposculpture: Reshaping Body Contours With Existing Fat 

“脂肪雕刻”将吸脂术提升到另一个层次,考虑到更深和更浅层的脂肪以及它们的移除和操作. 从一个部位取出的脂肪可以注射或移植到另一个部位. 脂肪量较大的患者现在可以进行更精确和可预测性的身体轮廓.


About The Author 

Jeffrey Donaldson, MD Author Bio

Jeffrey Donaldson, MD, is an esteemed plastic surgeon in Columbus, Ohio. Throughout his 18+ year tenure, he has performed countless successful liposuction procedures for satisfied patients.

Dr. 唐纳森一直在不断研究最新的吸脂技术和变化,以最好地为他的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台在他们的自信之旅中服务,并进一步教育各地的人们关于整形手术的艺术. 

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